Jess Vincent Portfolio Photography Graphic Design
Truck Washing Supplies Sell Sheet Truck Washing Supplies Sell Sheet Truck Washing Supplies Sell Sheet Truck Washing Supplies Sell Sheet Truck Washing Supplies Sell Sheet Carla Neal Banner Carla Neal Flyer 2 Robin Grayson - All Of Me album cover Robin Grayson - All Of Me album Inside Robin Grayson - All Of Me album CD Robin Grayson - All Of Me album Tray Robin Grayson - All Of Me album Back Robin Grayson - All Of Me album cover CD Party Carmencristina Moreno CD artwork Carmencristina Moreno CD artwork Carmencristina Moreno CD artwork Carmencristina Moreno CD artwork Carmencristina Moreno CD artwork Carmencristina Moreno CD artwork James Waldron 40th Invitation Y & R Brochure Outside Y & R Brochure Inside HEM Magazine Spread 1 HEM Magazine Spread 2 Zanotto's advertisment - Turkey Zanotto's advertisment - Prime Rib Rancho San Miguel Market Logo Rancho San Miguel Market Advertisement Savemart Supermarket 72 Hour Sale Savemart Supermarket Butcher Block Savemart Supermarket Advertisement - 1 Savemart Supermarket Advertisement - 2 Savemart Supermarket Advertisement - 3 Savemart Supermarket Advertisement - 4 Blue Monday Publishing book cover Nelson Diving Center stationery EdSource forum brochure & letterhead EdSource forum brochure & letterhead AuditOne advertisement Simply Organic Weddings logo Cedar Vineyard Marvin Label J. Lohr Vineyard & Wines advertisment J. Lohr Vineyard & Wines advertisment J. Lohr Vineyard & Wines sell sheet J. Lohr Vineyard & Wines tasting mat 1 J. Lohr Vineyard & Wines tasting mat 2 J. Lohr Vineyard & Wines tasting mat 3 J. Lohr Vineyard & Wines tasting mat Cabernet J. Lohr Vineyard & Wines tasting mat Chardonnay J. Lohr Vineyard & Wines Symposium Cab J. Lohr Vineyard & Wines Symposium Chard J. Lohr Vineyard & Wines Back Card Cab J. Lohr Vineyard & Wines Back Card Chard J. Lohr Vineyard & Wines advertisment 1 J. Lohr Vineyard & Wines advertisment 2

Artwork: Truck Washing Supplies

Project: Sell Sheet >> K-1

Artwork: Truck Washing Supplies

Project: Sell Sheet >> AB Aluminum Brightener

Artwork: Truck Washing Supplies

Project: Sell Sheet >> T-Red

Artwork: Truck Washing Supplies

Project: Sell Sheet >> XL-HD Powder

Artwork: Truck Washing Supplies

Project: Sell Sheet >> Orange-DG

Artwork: Carla Neal 2014 Campaign

Project: Yard Sign

Artwork: Carla Neal 2014 Campaign

Project: Flyer 2

Artwork: Robin Grayson - 3rd album

Project: All Of Me >> Outside / Cover

Artwork: Robin Grayson - 3rd album

Project: All Of Me >> Inside

Artwork: Robin Grayson - 3rd album

Project: All Of Me >> CD

Artwork: Robin Grayson - 3rd album

Project: All Of Me >> Tray

Artwork: Robin Grayson - 3rd album

Project: All Of Me >> Back

Artwork: Robin Grayson - 3rd album

Project: All Of Me >> CD Release Party

Artwork: Carmencristina Moreno

Project: Songs Of The Mexican Revolution That My Father Taught Me

Artwork: Carmencristina Moreno

Project: Inside

Artwork: Carmencristina Moreno

Project: CD-1

Artwork: Carmencristina Moreno

Project: CD-2

Artwork: Carmencristina Moreno

Project: Tray

Artwork: Carmencristina Moreno

Project: Back

Invitation: James Waldron's 40th

Project: Postcard

Stationery: Yrulegui & Roberts Attorneys at Law

Project: Brochure Outside

Stationery: Yrulegui & Roberts Attorneys at Law

Project: Brochure Inside

Magazine: HEM

Project: Shopping Guide Spread

Magazine: HEM

Project: Dinner Guide Spread

Advertisement: Zanotto's Market

Project: Poster >> Turkey

Advertisement: Zanotto's Market

Project: Poster >> Prime Rib

Branding: Save Mart Supermarket

Project: 72 Hour Sale Logo

Branding: Save Mart Supermarket

Project: Butcher Block Logo

Advertisement: Save Mart Supermarket

Project: Advertisement Spread 1

Advertisement: Save Mart Supermarket

Project: Advertisement Spread 2

Advertisement: Save Mart Supermarket

Project: Advertisement Spread 3

Advertisement: Save Mart Supermarket

Project: Advertisement Spread 4

Branding: Rancho San Miguel Market

Project: Logo

Advertisement: Rancho San Miguel Market

Project: Advertisement

Book cover: Blue Monday Publishing

Project: Poetry Book

Stationery: Nelson Diving Center

Project: Brand Identity

Stationery: EdSource

Project: 27th Annual Forum

Stationery: EdSource

Project: 28th Annual Forum

Advertisement: AuditOne LLC

Project: Risk Management Advertisement

Branding: Simply Organic Weddings

Project: Brand Identity

Branding: Cedar Lane Vineyard

Project: Marvin Label

Advertisement: J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines

Project: Hilltop Sell Sheet

Advertisement: J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines

Project: Los Osos Advertisement

Advertisement: J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines

Project: Arroyo Vista Sell Sheet

Advertisement: J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines

Project: Riverstone Estates Tasting Mat

Advertisement: J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines

Project: Los Osos Estates Tasting Mat

Advertisement: J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines

Project: Seven Oaks Estates Tasting Mat

Advertisement: J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines

Project: Cabernet Symposium Tasting Mat

Advertisement: J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines

Project: Chardonnay Symposium Tasting Mat

Literature: J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines

Project: Cabernet Symposium

Literature: J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines

Project: Chardonnay Symposium

Point-Of-Sale: J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines

Project: Cabernet Back Card

Point-Of-Sale: J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines

Project: Chardonnay Back Card

Advertisement: J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines

Project: Santé Fe Advertisement

Advertisement: J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines

Project: Hilltop Black & White Advertisement


Jess has been doing graphic design when PageMaker was not an Adobe product named InDesign. Working primarly in the pre-press production field, he has gained the knowledge needed to make any project press ready. He is a resourceful asset to have on your team when a project needs to be under budget and ready by yesterday, with a creative eye and a conservative mentality. Clean and simple.